10/18/24 Patch Notes:
[Mastery] Redmage Mastery 1 is now properly functional and providing 10% Magic Accuracy as advertised. [Ranger] Ranged distance nerf will no longer affect Ranger ranged attacks.
[Corsair] Ranged distance nerf will no longer affect Corsair ranged attacks.
[Samurai] Change for Seigan Third eye to avg 2-3 procs.
[Blue Mage] TP Scaling with Bludgeon corrected. Was not scaling at all.
[NPCs] Ephemeral Moogles are now active.
[Guilds] All guild now have Lightsday as there holiday and business hours are now 1 to 23.
[Mobs] All normal dungeon mobs have had their respawn times set to 5.5mins. All open-world NMs that are for AF weapons that are effected by the NM Stat bump have had their levels adjusted to 40.
[Experience Points] If you are within 15 levels of the sync target you will get 100% of the exp. If you are over 15 levels away from the sync target the following penalties will apply: If fighting Easy Prey or Decent Challenge, you will have a 75% penalty. If fighting Even Match or higher, you will receive a 20% penalty.
11/18/24 Patch Notes:
Greater Colibri mob lv 82-84 Bibiki Bay camps added Dhalmels lv 73-75 Bight Rarab 84-85 Locus Ghost Crab lv 85
12/1/24 Patch Notes:
[BLU] Frenetic Rip adjusted. Damage increase.
[PUP] Asuran Fists now usable.
[Systems] Zilart dynamis may now be entered. Dreamlands disabled.
[Spells] Monomi:Ichi added to Tonberry King.
[Mobs] Tonberry King level adjsuted to 76-77.
[Synths] Synthesis added for Sanjaku-Tenugui.
[Quests] Lure of the wildcat quest no longer required for the teleport to Aht-Urghan. All other requirements still in place. COR Unlock will now provide a Firefly. If already completed you can purchase from Thadiene in South Sandoria for 10k.
12/13/24 Patch Notes:
[Misc] !getstats command can now be used by players to be able to do your own math/theorycrafting. [Melee Damage] Melee Damage pDIF formula adjusted to increase effective attack cap. pDIF is (Attack/Defense) the old ceiling was 2.25. The new ceiling is 3.75. This will unlikely effect regular player damage unless extremely geared and with perfect party compositions. The main goal of this is many weaponskills have attack modifiers which could not break through this ceiling resulting in many weaponskills having lower than expected damage output.
[Mobs] Mob TP gain formula has been adjusted. Previously all attacks would have a (baseTP +30) so 1 handers that attack fast proc the additional +30 significantly more often than 2 handers. This has been dialed back to +10 to see how this feels. Mob TP usage formula has been updated. Previously mobs would have immediate WS usage under these criteria. 100% to 51% HP with 3k TP. 50% to 26% with 2k TP. 1%-25% with 1k TP. This remains in place but there is another layer to add the potential for mob WS usage outside of this rigid system. If a mob has 1k or more TP and the above criteria is not met there will be a chance (TP/150) to use a WS on an incremental server tick. IE. if a mob is at 83% HP and has 1749 TP it will be (1749/150) an 11.66% chance per server tick to use a WS. If the mob manages to reach 3k TP before the chance successfully procs it will then trigger a forced WS using previous code. This should help with 2 things: [1] Previously if a mob is at 51% or higher its TP moves are all at 3k strength which is max modifiers for big potential dmg. [2] Reduce mob predictability. Please provide feedback on player experience when interacting with the reduced mob TP gains and the additional potential for mobs to choose to use a WS.
[Drops] Thousand Eyes in King Ranperre's Tomb corrected to drop Burning Hakutaku Eye.
12/31/24 Patch Notes:
[BLM] Occult Accumen no longer works on -GA spells.
[BST] More charm adjustments.
[DRK] Absorb-Acc fixed after completing mastery 2.
[WHM] Reraise adjusted to level 25 to match the scroll.
[NPC] Hugo merit camp warps now cost ISP instead of gil. Bronze Bullet NPC prices have been reduced. Inside the Belly quest has been updated. Some OOE spells removed from vendors. Mono Nchaa adjusted to prevent client crashing.
[Mobs] Movement logic updated to prevent mob WS while moving and being easily outranged. Erlik in Gustav Tunnel respawn time reduced to 5m to match other mobs. Incorrect loot tables in Dangruf Wadi updated. Some Demon NM WS tables corrected.
[Items] Kilicbaligi fish is now the correct size.
[Dynamis] Jeuno personal loot fixed.
[AH] Unlimited listings added.
10/21/24 Patch Notes:
[Mastery] White Mage Mastery 2 enabled. Black Mage Mastery 2 enabled.
[Misc] Chocobo refunds turned off. Fast travel to Porgonorgo Isle adjusted to 1 Dhalmel Meat. Some gil cheese retired.
11/20/24 Patch Notes:
[Puppetmaster] LB5 now active. You will need to let a GM know you are doing it before entering or you will have issues.
[Dragoon] After Mastery 1 is completed your Wyvren will acquire a new look.
[Experience] To encourage players to not exp exclusively on EP mobs up to lvl 30 the follow changes have occurred. When killed by a group of players all below the mobs level the below monsters have a 5% chance on death to respawn as a Metal Slime. Metal Slimes will provide players the following: 100 * moblevel bonus EXP. 100 * moblevel bonus GIL. 20% chance to provide Dream Gear +1. Valkurm Dunes: Hill Lizard, Sand Hare, Snipper, Damselfly, Brutal Sheep. Buburimu Peninsula: Sylvestre, Mighty Rarab, Bull Dhalmel, Zu, Carniverous Crawler Rolanberry Fields: Berry Grub, Death Wasp Qufim Island: Clipper, Greater Pugil, Landworm Yuhtunga Jungle: Death Jacket, Yuhtunga Mandragora Bibiki Bay: Island Rarab, Marine Dhalmel, Raven [Items] Pickaxe/Hatchet/Sickle/Gysahl Greens now stack to 99. Air Tanks added to all higher level goblins in Bibiki Bay at a 5% drop rate.
[Equipment] COR PUP BLU Relic armors added back into dynamis cities.
[Merits] Merit categories all adjusted. Updated DATs will be needed to see the changes.
[HNM System] Updated confrontation effect to persist through death.
12/4/24 Patch Notes:
[BLU] The following Blue Magic has been updated. If the spell is OOE this does not mean it is now obtainable. Asuran Claws, Body Slam, Cannonball, Claw Cyclone, Death Scissors, Dimensional Death, Disseverment, Foot Kick, Frypan, Grand Slam, Helldive, Hydro Shot, Hysteric Barrage, Jet Stream, Mind Blast, Power Attack, Queasyshroom, Ram Charge, Screwdriver, Seedspray, Sickle Slash, Smite of Rage, Spinal Cleave, Spiral Spin, Sub-Zero Smash, Tail Slap, Terror Touch, Uppercut, and Vertical Cleave.
[Misc] Slimes will now have unique names and should revert back when respawning as a normal mob.
12/18/24 Patch Notes:
[General] Pet pathfinding AI improved.
[BST] Chopsuey Chucky corrected to 60 minute duration. Amigo Sabotender corrected to 30 minute duration. MNK pet jugs now swing twice.
[BRD] Mastery 2 is now active. After casting 100 Etudes Pianissimo will be learned.
[RDM] Mastery 2 is now active. After casting 150 enhancing magic spells gain 50% increased enhaning magic duration. Mastery 3 is now active. After casting Haste 100 times on a RNG or COR Flurry will be learned.
[DRK] Mastery 2 is now active. After casting 100 absorb spells your absorb spells will gain the absorb affect for all absorb spells you have learned.
[MNK] Mastery 2 is now active. After using 100 weapon skills that are affected by Boost, Boost will now have 4x potency with 4x cooldown.
[Misc] Mog Safe 2 now enabled. Pso'Xja mobs no longer flicker/disappear. The Holy Crest BCNM fight now correctly has TP abilities.
1/11/25 Patch Notes:
[COP] 8-2 Escort Fixed.
[BST] More changes to Charm to try to prevent charmed mobs from despawning.
[PUP] Automaton's crashing instances fixed.
[Quests] The Pickpocket quest fixed. Like Shining Leggings quest fixed.
[Crafts] Following Synth Recipes Added/Updated: Gold Ring (Desynth) Platinum Rod (Desynth) Qigirin Cape (Desynth) Qiqirin Sandbag (Desynth) Jaridah Salvars Hammermill Mana Jammer II Accelerator Tension Spring Tension Spring II
[HELM] Some OOE items have been removed.
[BCNM] Treasures and Tribulations JSE Ring drop rates standardized.
[MISC] Old Goobbue drop list corrected. Auto-Target after killing an enemy has been adjusted. 75 Chars will no longer be immune to mob aggro from mobs below level 61. Medicine drinks from Avatar Camp fixed.
[Dynamis] Trade the goblins in the beastmen zones to convert your currency to that zones currency. IE: Trade 10 Bynne Bills or Tukuku Shells to Goblin in Davoi to receive Bronzepieces Currency conversion now available. Trade 10:10 for Singles. Trade 1:1 for Hundreds.
[COR] Temporary changes to Light and Dark shot implemented.
11/1/24 Patch Notes:
[1 Handers] 1 Handed accuracy formula updated. DEX will now give .75 accuracy increased from .5 to match 2H.
[Throwing] Sweet spot change from <= 1 yalm to <= 5 yalms to accomodate for melee range play. Boomerang/Chakram type throwing weapons are no longer typeless damage and will be impact blunt.
[Blue Mage] The following spell's have been updated. Mostly noticable with Chain Affinity usage. Please provide feedback. Bludgeon, Mandibular Bite, Jetstream, Sickle Slash.
[Ninja] Mastery 2 enabled. After dealing 2500 dmg with ranged attacks the Daken trait will unlock.
[White Mage] Mastery 2 no longer obtainable with WHM sub-job.
[Dark Knight] Last Resort now lasts 3 minutes.
[Puppetmaster] Automaton's can now successfully Cure themselves.
[Paladin] Mastery 2 enabled. After healing 2500 dmg the ability Majesty will unlock.
[Mobs] Multi-hit weapon skills are now hitting properly. Please report feedback for abnormal damage. Fixed an incorrect Quu Domi placeholder.(A drummer was tagged instead of an oracle)
[NPCs] Hugo in Whitegate will now allow players to teleport to major cities. [Spells] Bind duration calculation reworked to increase overall duration.
[Drops] Chest keys all standardized to 5% drop rate.(Kazham keys are 10% exception) Coffer keys all standardized to 5% drop rate. Dhalmel Hides updated globally to 15% drop rate. Tiger Fangs in Battalia Down updated to 24% drop rate from 15%. Bird Blood updated to 24% 24% 24% instead of 15% 15% 15%.
[Misc] Garlaige weighted stones now usable on banishing gates. Nation placement requirements removed from CP items. LB2 Frigicite ??? will now last 2 minutes, up from 1.
11/25/24 Patch Notes:
Slime Update/Adjustment - When killed by a group of players all below the mobs level the below monsters have a 5% chance on death to respawn as a Metal Slime. Metal Slimes will provide players the following: 1500 bonus EXP. Possible bonus GIL. 20% chance to drop a secret cosmetic from each different mob (happy hunting)
Valkurm_Dunes/mobs/Brutal_Sheep Valkurm_Dunes/mobs/Damselfly Valkurm_Dunes/mobs/Hill_Lizard Valkurm_Dunes/mobs/Snipper Buburimu_Peninsula/mobs/Bull_Dhalmel Buburimu_Peninsula/mobs/Mighty_Rarab Buburimu_Peninsula/mobs/Sylvestre Buburimu_Peninsula/mobs/Zu Qufim_Island/mobs/Clipper Qufim_Island/mobs/Land_Worm Qufim_Island/mobs/Greater_Pugil Rolanberry_Fields/mobs/Death_Wasp Rolanberry_Fields/mobs/Berry_Grub Yuhtunga_Jungle/mobs/Death_Jacket Yuhtunga_Jungle/mobs/Yuhtunga_Mandragora Bibiki_Bay/mobs/Marine_Dhalmel Bibiki_Bay/mobs/Toucan Bibiki_Bay/mobs/Catoblepas Bibiki_Bay/mobs/Locus_Camelopard Bibiki_Bay/mobs/Locus_Ghost_Crab The_Sanctuary_of_ZiTah/mobs/Master_Coeurl The_Sanctuary_of_ZiTah/mobs/Ogrefly Eastern_Altepa_Desert/mobs/Desert_Dhalmel Crawlers_Nest/mobs/Death_Jacket Garlaige_Citadel/mobs/Siege_Bat Yhoator_Jungle/mobs/Yhoator_Mandragora Labyrinth_of_Onzozo/mobs/Cockatrice Labyrinth_of_Onzozo/mobs/Torama Western_Altepa_Desert/mobs/Desert_Beetle Bostaunieux_Oubliette/mobs/Werebat Wajaom_Woodlands/mobs/Lesser_Colibri Mount_Zhayolm/mobs/Magmatic_Eruca The_Boyahda_Tree/mobs/Processionaire Caedarva_Mire/mobs/Heraldic_Imp Bhaflau_Thickets/mobs/Locus_Colibri
12/5/24 Patch Notes:
[Materia] Materia Tier 2 will be tied to Zilart-Dynamis. NM's will all now provide + 1 Tier 2 Materia Currency for the alliance on kill. Mega Boss's will all now provide + 5 Tier 2 Materia Currency for the alliance on kill. Dynamis Lord will now provide + 15 Tier 2 Materia Currency for the alliance on kill. At this time Tier 2 Materia will still not be acquirable itself but I wanted to get this piece in the game while people are starting to farm to later be used at a vendor to acquire T2 Materia. Materia stats and costs are yet to be determined. I am aware Jeuno and Glacier are very heavy with NMs and will be the go-to for farming Materia currency. This may be addressed in the future but just wanted to get this in sooner rather than later. Anyone who has already run dynamis will not be provided this retroactively as groups may have routed differently or chose a different zone entirely had this been in place previously.
Dyna currency is no longer able to be put on the AH or traded when using incorrect .dat files.
Wyvern Skulls are no longer rare & ex and stack to 12.
12/25/24 Patch Notes:
[BST/SMN] Charm completely overhauled to work more retail accurate. Charisma now affects success rate much more. Charm+ Duration gear now more effective. Bugs with charmed mobs despawning fixed. Pet Food Zeta heal increased. Several familiar issues corrected.
[BLM] BLM is performing exceedingly well against highly difficult mobs so the following adjustment has been made- Magic Accuracy bonus from INT has been reduced for damaging spells. Instead of dINT/2 it is now dINT/4.
[Auction House] Crab Sushi wil now show up. Geodes will now be seen under Misc.
[NPC] Hugo [Whitegate] now has additional warp options. A Test of True Love quest fixed.
[Mobs] A new custom merit camp has been added to Misareaux Coast. Additional Colibri added to Watch Tower Camp in Bhaflau Thickets(61~EXP party camp) Marid and Chigoe adjustments made to function properly. Grand Marids now spawn from Marids as PHs and reward 1500 exp upon death (Shiny/Slime mechanic). Karakul animation has been fixed. Karakul in Caedarva Mire now spawn chigoes when they TP. Karakul NM in Caedarva Mire spawns 2 Chigoes when using TP. Some Qiqirn TP moves corrected and they will now properly strip you. All Qutrub TP moves were overhauled. Qutrub now swap weapons and can have them broken. Puks no longer gain Regain effect on Windsday or during Wind weather / Gales (retail accuracy). Imp Aggro behavior was changed to match retail. Imps can now have their horns broken. Imp NMs now have Stifling and Grating Tantara.
[HNM] Confrontation buff should now work correctly through all tiers and persist through death. Behemoth Thunderbolt damage slightly increased. [Spells] Absorb-ACC converted to in-era to retain in spell list.
Bhaflau_Thickets/mobs/Colibri.lua Cape_Teriggan/mobs/Sand_Cockatrice.lua Cape_Teriggan/mobs/Velociraptor.lua Den_of_Rancor/mobs/Puck.lua Den_of_Rancor/mobs/Tormentor.lua King_Ranperres_Tomb/mobs/Locus_Spartoi_Sorcerer King_Ranperres_Tomb/mobs/Locus_Spartoi_Warrior King_Ranperres_Tomb/mobs/Locus_Tomb_Worm King_Ranperres_Tomb/mobs/Locus_Armet_Beetle King_Ranperres_Tomb/mobs/Locus_Dire_Bat Kuftal_Tunnel/mobs/Deinonychus Kuftal_Tunnel/mobs/Recluse_Spider Kuftal_Tunnel/mobs/Robber_Crab Mount_Zhayolm/mobs/Scoriaceous_Eruca Mount_Zhayolm/mobs/Wamoura_Prince RoMaeve/mobs/Apocalyptic_Weapon RoMaeve/mobs/Infernal_Weapon The_Boyahda_Tree/mobs/Bark_Spider The_Boyahda_Tree/mobs/Robber_Crab Valley_of_Sorrows/mobs/Peryton Valley_of_Sorrows/mobs/Velociraptor Aydeewa_Subterrane/mobs/Phlebotomic_Slug Yhoator_Jungle/mobs/Worker_Crawler Carpenters_Landing/mobs/Diving_Beetle Yhoator_Jungle/mobs/Master_Coeurl Misareaux_Coast/mobs/Avatar_Spirit