Mastery will be job specific and be ways to increase player power and/or slightly modify how the job is played. Mastery will have 5 tasks per job. Each task will have its own reward. After completing all 5 the job will be Mastered and the mastery stars will appear when playing that job. Mastery 1-2 available at launch.
Materia has been added to add stats to gear to customize your character and increase player power. Materia will be a mix of unlocking access to each individual Materia, a buyable gil sink item or drops in the world. Tier 1 available at launch.
EXP Changes
EXP chains now function for all mobs that grant EXP, not just EM +. EXP chain bonus's have been increased.
If you are within 15 levels of the sync target you will get 100% of the exp. If you are over 15 levels away from the sync target the following penalties will apply: If fighting Easy Prey or Decent Challenge, you will have a 75% penalty. If fighting Even Match or higher, you will receive a 20% penalty.
When killed by a group of players all below the mobs level the below monsters have a 5% chance on death to respawn as a Slime or Shiny. These monsters will provide players the following: 1500 bonus EXP. Possible bonus GIL. 20% chance to drop a secret cosmetic from each different mob (happy hunting).
See patch notes to see in which zone they can spawn.
Explorer Moogles
There is a fast travel available between the 3 major cities. There are no requirements other than the items needed to teleport to other cities.
To travel to Bastok: Trade the Explorer Moogle 4x lizard tails.
To travel to San d’Oria: Trade the Explorer Moogle 4x hare meat.
To travel to Windurst: Trade the Explorer Moogle 2x yagudo feather.
Dynamis will drop individual personal currency for everyone participating. Currency will be EX and intended so everyone can work toward their own relic and not be forced to funnel currency. Currency will also still drop to loot pool as normal but will also be EX. This is so someone purchasing the hourglass can still earn an individual benefit for sponsoring a run by gaining the "normally" dropping currency in addition to their personal loot.
Most players have never experienced getting a relic and we would like it to be attained by more players, for fun, as well as the increased difficulty in content will warrant access to more player power.
Dynamis now has a lockout of 6 days making it once per week rather than twice per week. Currency drop rate has been buffed from the 1% to 6%.
HNM Changes
T1 HNMs are force popped by a crafted T1 Key. The key is a level 70 synth in all crafts comprising of 1 of each of the 8 different geodes.
In order to obtain a Tier 2 HNM key, you need to kill any of the Tier 1 HNM. This follows the same principle all the way up to Tier 4 HNMs.
Every HNM has 4 levels of difficulty. T2-T4 HNM keys have a base drop rate of 25% without TH being affected. The higher difficulty, the percentage increases (25% > 50% > 75% > 100%). Being able to kill at the highest difficulty will result in a 100% HNM key.
Tier 1 HNM: Serket, King Arthro, Roc, Simugh, Capricious Cassie.
Tier 2 HNM: Behemoth, Adamantoise, Fafnir.
Tier 3 HNM: King Behemoth, Aspidochelone, Nidhogg, Cerberus, Hyrda, Khimaira.
Tier 4 HNM: Tiamat, Vrtra, Jormungand.
NM's have had a relatively major difficulty increase. The following stats have been increased relative to the NMs level. NM's will gain stats equal to their level. IE: If Valkurm Emperor spawns at lvl 30 he gains an extra 30 of the below stats. Defense Evasion Attack Ranged Attack Accuracy Ranged Accuracy Magic Accuracy Magic Evasion
HNM Currency
HNMs will have a custom currency per tier that items can be purchased for after killing the HNM. Each kill within the tier will award + 1 currency for that tier. 1 > 2 >3 >4 points can be earned depending on the level of difficulty the HNM was chosen and successfully killed.
Outpost warps are obtainable by all nations regardless of which nation owns it; as long as it is controlled by any nation, you can unlock that outpost.
The days of choosing Windurst and crying that Windy is always last are gone and done away with. You are very welcome.
Limit Break
[LB1] Can now be started at level 45.
[LB2] Can now be started at level 50 if LB1 is completed.
[LB3] Can now be started at level 60 if LB2 is completed.
[LB4] Can now be started at level 60 if LB3 is completed.
[LB5] Can now be started at level 60 if LB4 is completed.
Tier 1 HNM Key Synths crafts
Will be a lv 70 synth and require all 8 variety of geodes and the following crystal per craft:
Cooking - Dark
Leathercraft - Lightning
Clothcraft - Earth
Bonecraft - Water
Smithing - Ice
Gold Smithing - Fire
Alchemy - Light
Woodworking - Wind
Empyrean Weapon
Will be obtainable and will be a level 75 weapon.